【走遍美国精讲笔记】第9课:选校风云 ACT 1 - 2

时间:2011-07-08 21:25:16 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 1-2 “ 没想到他是Philip的同班同学。”


早上,在Robbie吃早饭的时候,Grandpa 和Philip唱着密歇根大学的校歌走了进来。他们告诉Robbie该校到纽约考查新生人选的招生主任Charley Rafer是Philip的同学,而且Charley已经同意为Robbie安排面试。

Grandpa & Philip:
“Hail to the victors valiant,
Hail to the conquering heroes,
Hail, Hail to Michigan,
the champions of the West!”
Philip: Ah, good morning, Robbie.
Robbie: Good morning, Dad.
Grandpa: How's my grandson?
Robbie: Fine, Grandpa. Fine! What's all the cheering about? Did the University of Michigan win another football game?
Grandpa: Better than that. Tell him, Philip.
Philip: I just spoke with Charley Rafer.
Robbie: Who's Charley Rafer?
Philip: He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.
Grandpa: And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's.
Philip: We were both on the tennis team.
Robbie: Great!
Philip: It is great. He's going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.
Grandpa: And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule.


1. “Hail to the victors valiant / Hail to the conquering heroes / Hail, Hail to Michigan / the champions of the West!”
这是Grandpa和Philip在唱University of Michigan song(Michigan大学校歌)。
hail to...: 向……致敬。
the victors valiant: 英勇的胜利者,斗勇之师。
the conquering heroes: 勇于征服的英雄们。
the champions: 冠军。
the West: 指美国西部。

2.What's all the cheering about?
cheering: 欢呼,喝彩。

3. He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.
Dean of Admissions: 新生注册主任,招生办公室主任。

4. And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's.
it turns out: 没想到的是,原来是,后来发现竟然是。表示最后的结果出乎意料。

5. He's going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.
interview: 面谈,面试。美国没有全国统一的大学入学考试,各所大学或学院都有自己的招生要求。多数院校要求学生提出SAT(Scholastic Achievement Test学业成就测验)等类似高中会考的成绩,高中生可参加数次测验,以较优成绩提出申请。在决定是否录取一名学生时,学校不但考虑学生的中学成绩,也要看上述考试成绩。此外,有些院校还要求面试(interview)。
applicants: 这里指申请入学的人。

6. And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule.
agree to do something: 同意做某事;允诺去做某事
fit you into his schedule: 把你安排到他的日程里,安排你与他见面。

