【情景英语口语100主题】016 household appliances 家用设备

时间:2011-06-06 09:01:48 来源:英语学习网站

Household Appliances 家用设备


A: Good morning. I understand that you’ve got a problem with your washing machine. I’m from the repair company.

B: Excellent. Come in please. The washing machine is in the bathroom upstairs. It keeps breaking down.

A: When did it first break down?

A: About ten days ago. I’ve tried to use it since then. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s very frustrating.

B: Is it still under warranty? If it is and I can’t fix it, it would be quicker and easier to exchange it for a new one.

A: Yes, it’s still under warranty. Over the last few weeks, it’s also been making a high-pitched noise when it’s in use.

A: Ok. I’ll start by looking at the motor. I’ll just unplug it and take a look inside the machine…..oh, yes. There’s the problem. It’s quite simple. I’ll sort it out in a few minutes.

B: What’s wrong with it?

A: Part of the motor is loose. I can put it back in place quite easily.

B: That’s great. Thanks very much. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

【Intermediate】step2: 中级进阶

A: So, you friend’s getting married on Saturday. What have you bought her as a wedding gift? I find it so hard to choose the right gift.

B: My friend and her fiancé had a really good idea. They have cut out pictures from catalogues and pasted them in a notebook. The picture are of the things they want. People sign their name by the item they will buy.

A: That’s clever! Then everyone knows that they are buying something the couple really wants and there’s no chance of two people buying the same gift. What things were in the notebook?

B: Most of the things were household appliances. You know, everything from an iron through a vacuum cleaner to a cooker. I think it’s an excellent way for everyone who knows the couple to help them set up home.

A: So , what did you get them?

B: I bought a sewing machine. I know that my friend likes making her own clothes, but her current sewing machine is quite old and has some problems.

A: What’s wrong with it?

B: She says that after several years of use, it’s not working properly. When she uses it, it makes a funny noise.

A: Household appliances don’t seem to last for a long time nowadays.

B: I think it’s because the manufactures are constantly bringing out new models. Because they know that we will buy the new models, the appliances don’t need to last more than five or ten years at most.



gadget/ device/ music centre/ speaker/ TV set/ DVD player/ microwave

iron/ switch/ socket/ battery/plug inout/ extensive/ lead wire

electric toothbrush/ electric shaver/ sewing machine/ hair drier/ vacuum cleaner/

fan/ press/ run on (batteries)/ break/ function/ telephone/ button/ repair/ fix


break down 损坏;(健康等)垮掉,崩溃

pitch [pitʃ] n.球场;强度;音高;沥青 v.扔;猛然倒下

1.Her voice dropped to a lower pitch.她的声调低了下来。

2. The children were in a high pitch of excitement.孩子们高度兴奋。

3. He nearly always pitches too far.他几乎总是投得过远。

4. The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea.渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。

bring out 出版,推出;使显出;激起,引起

gadget ['gædʒit] n. 小配件,小玩意,诡计

She likes those clever little gadgets.她喜爱那些做得很巧妙的小玩意儿。

device [diˈvais] n.装置,设备,器械;手段,策略

1. The television receiver is an electronic device.电视接收器是一种电子装置。

2. She got the information by some device.她运用某种手段获取了情报。

Do you know?












plug [plʌg]n.插头,插座;塞子,栓 vt.塞住

1. She pulled the plug to let out the water.她拔起塞子放水。

2. Just put the plug in the socket and switch on the machine.只需将插头插入插座并开动机器就行了

3. He plugged his ears with cotton balls.他用棉球塞住双耳。

vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器

press [pres]n.报刊,新闻界;出版(通讯)社 v.压;压迫

1. The power of the press is very great.新闻报刊的力量是极大的。

2. He pressed her to come with him.他强迫她跟他走。

3. He was pressing his jacket.他在烫外套。

4. Press this button to start the engine.按此钮发动引擎。



stop working/ keep breaking (down)/ make a noise

(not) work properly/ Something wrong with(it)/ Out of order


